About Vezendy Chiropractic

Relief or wellness care… it’s your choice.
My Philosophy? I give you my best…
I love my family and I love what I do. But as you know, life can be devastating when you’re in pain. I care about people, I listen closely, and when I’ve diagnosed your problems, I give you my best.
If you’ve tried other doctors, been on pain medications, and are tired of not getting results, this is how I can help:
- I talk to you about your problem.
- Then I examine the involved areas.
- After this comprehensive analysis, we then review your options.
If you like the treatment plan, we begin. If you don’t think the care plan is for you, we shake hands and part as friends. I want you healthy, happy, and back to normal.
If you want a doctor that listens, someone who really cares, someone you can trust, and a doctor who really wants the best for you, contact me today. If you’re in a lot of pain, we’ll get you in immediately. At Vezendy Chiropractic, we have a unique way of helping people in pain and we want to help you. Call me now.
Dr. Vezendy